Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Too tired for explanations. The Waterboys cover rocks though. There's your explanation.
Morrissey - To Me You Are a Work of Art
Rana - We Will Not be Lovers (Waterboys cover)
Bob Dylan - One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)

ta ta.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I'm still very much stuck on Drum's Not Dead and recommend it to all y'all. The percussive thread that holds the entire album is quite unique, and very cool in my humble opinion. It also makes for my favorite album of 2006. Still.

Drum and the Uncomfortable Can
A Visit From Drum
The Other Side of Mt. Heart Attack

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Grizzly Bear

Unlike his truthiness Stephen Colbert, who refers to them as "godless killing machines without a soul", I am quite fond of bears. Something about their fierce balance of fluffiness and murderous rage rings true with me for some reason. From all walks of beardom, be it Polar, Brown, Black, Kodiak, Koala or Panda....I'm a fan. I'm also a fan of Grizzly Bear, the lo-fi electro pop outfit from Brooklyn that everyone seems to lump into the Animal Collective category, although I think they have a completely different sound altogether. These tracks are from 04's Horn of Plenty. Blog buzz tells me that a new full length is on it's way soon.

La Duchess Anne
Deep Sea Diver

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mo' Instrumental Wednesdays

Random does you well sometimes. Especially instrumentally random. Leave your words at home.

Vintage Herbie from the post-Miles era don't get much funkier than this banger. Off of "Thrust", which far too often gets overlooked in the shadows of "Headhunters". Don't engage in an argument about this with a Berklee kid. Made that fatal mistake once.
Herbie Hancock - Actual Proof
One of my favorite guitarists ever.
John Fahey - Come Back Baby
Much like the Brad Melhdau cover of "Exit Music", The Bad Plus rendition of "Velouria" by the Pixies is astounding. Almost as good as their take on "Flim" by Aphex Twin, which I now have to post next Wednesday because I will probably listen to it everyday until then. It's just that good.
The Bad Plus - Velouria (Pixies cover)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mark Kozelek

Wednesday night at the MFA, Boston. I'm not sure what to expect in terms of RHP/Sun Kil Moon material, but hopefully he mixes it up. There are a slew of RHP tunes I'd die to hear acoustic. Even though the Modest Mouse cover record failed to amaze, there were some interesting interpretations.
Sun Kil Moon - Dramamine (Modest Mouse cover)
Red House Painters - Smokey
Sun Kil Moon - Glenn Tipton

If you're in Boston, and you're interested in attending I'd advise you to snatch tix ASAP. It's a small venue.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

it's all sunshine...

Fumbling over words that rhyme...

Dalek is as esoteric is it comes in hip-hop these days. Socially conscious lyrics over horror beats. This one is the most user friendly. What can you expect from a hip hop collective on Mike Patton's label? LP's available here.
Dalek - Speak Volumes
From the Bean....off my favorite hip hop album of last year.
Edan - Funky Voltron (featuring Insight)
and from the first and last truly great Def Jux release, The Cold Vein
Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cold War Kids

Heard these children born of arms struggles and potato vodka on myspace after reading about them in practically every music blog that I know. I must admit, I'm very intrigued. I need to cop the EP's they released before I can really formulate lavish praise.
The dude's voice is stellar though. Their site is here. Also, they're on tour with Tapes n' Tapes around the East Coast. They'll be in Boston the night I have Radiohead tickets, so I'm outta luck.
All of these tracks come courtesy of I Guess I'm Floating, which is an awesome blog that you all should read everyday.
Hospital Beds
We Used To Vaction

i got nuthin'

for those about to mope...
Lou Reed - Sad Song
Ween - It's Gonna Be Alright

Monday, May 15, 2006

mogwai knock socks

They proved to be as loud, beautiful, frenzied, and Scottish as I had always imagined them to be. Despite the 6 day rain binge Mother Nature has wielded upon us, and the Sunday night showtime, they mixed equal parts new and old material and put together an amazing 2 hour set.

They have a unique way of completely frying your synapses with hyper-speed interludes, but then nurturing them back to normal with serenely gorgeous pieces. Interesting fact: much like everyone in the Sun Ra Arkestra is a percussionist, everyone besides the drummer plays guitar (or bass) in Mogwai. My ears are still ringing, but I, for one, am a happy young man today.
Some of what transpired last evening at the Avalon:
Friend of the Night
I Know You Are But What Am I?
Glasgow Mega Snake

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ween car rides yield Ween posts

If I don't convert 5% of the folks that actually read this time wasting vortex, I've failed miserably. Miserably. I miss these guys.
Stay Forever
What Deaner Was Talking About
Birthday Boy

and I bid you goodnight...

Instrumental Wednesdays

Marching onwards with the Radiohead fever, here's Brad Mehldau doing his haunting version of Exit Music. Actually seeing this cat perform this song live (5 years ago) will probably always rank high amongst my favorite live music moments. Prodigious pianists (??) covering songs you love is fun stuff. Next week I'll throw up the Bad Plus rendition of "Velouria" by the Pixies.
Brad Mehldau - Exit Music (For a Film)
Boom Bip is at the forefront of the instrumental hiphop movement (to me at least). His collabo with Dose One, "circle" is pretty intense stuff. Feast your ears...
Boom Bip - Eyelashings
I'm bailing on my mom to FINALLY get to see my Scottish brethren Mogwai. This is the first time in 4 years of digging them hardcore that I'll have the opportunity to see them live and direct. There will indeed be a Mother's Day next year, but will there be another Mogwai Mother's Day? Not so sure...
Mogwai - Burn Girl Prom Queen

Monday, May 08, 2006

Radiohead madness

Since I'm the only person I know fortunate enough to land tix for a show without being raped by ACE or some bloke on ebay, I figured I'd give back to the peoples.
Yes, I'm very excited to join Thom and the chaps on the Boston Harbor in June, but tix for upwards of 800 bones seems a bit much. Glad ours were face value, for sure. There was a great post on Stereogum covering the debacle. I just hope that all the new material is worth the headaches and obscene amounts of loot people are paying.

Skttbrain (Four Tet RMX) because I love Four Tet.
Pyramid Song because Wayne Coyne loves it.
Exit Music (For a Film) because it's beautiful.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Drones

I really don't know much about this band at all, besides that they're from down under and they rock, classically.
Shark Fin Blues
check it

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

they calls it like they sees it

this is the first of a torrent of ween posts. why, you ask yourself? because they bloody rule and have always had a knack for striking a chord in the deep recesses of wherever my feelings come from. heady shit from heady dudes. tour dates here. and a big F.U. to those who are going to the Red Rocks show. grrrrrr.
If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)
gotta run. more later?