mastodon. i like!

Mastodon's Euro tour with Tool will not reach as far east as Kazakhstan, but luckily for that country's inhabitants, and the rest of the world, they've decided to document some of it and offer it on YouTube. They're actually really funny guys. If you've ever wondered how an album is crafted, I suggest you peep the "Making of Blood Mountain" clips that also can be found at that link.
I hadn't been into metal for years until I stumbled upon "Leviathan",
their ode to the search for the "White Whale". Brutal, yes, but very melodic and as a concept album (Moby Dick), really cohesive. Some people who can't do "screamy" wouldn't dig, but if you can see through the guttural yells underneath lies some very heady stuff.
Blood Mountain, the latest and major label debut, picks up where they left off. The production is tight, and the dueling guitars lay down some serious grooves. Bran Dailor is also my new favorite drummer in the world. Check out him recording the drum tracks in the video clips. Wowser.
Crystal Skull.mp3
Hand of Stone.mp3
Mastodon is rockin'. And while I can understand why they would tour with Tool, I think they're a much more exciting band. Tool's gotten so Pink Floyded out, they've become quite boring.
i agree. Tool also hasn't changed their sound in the past 7 years. All of their albums sound exactly the same.
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