They proved to be as loud, beautiful, frenzied, and Scottish as I had always imagined them to be. Despite the 6 day rain binge Mother Nature has wielded upon us, and the Sunday night showtime, they mixed equal parts new and old material and put together an amazing 2 hour set.
They have a unique way of completely frying your synapses with hyper-speed interludes, but then nurturing them back to normal with serenely gorgeous pieces. Interesting fact: much like everyone in the Sun Ra Arkestra is a percussionist, everyone besides the drummer plays guitar (or bass) in Mogwai. My ears are still ringing, but I, for one, am a happy young man today.
Some of what transpired last evening at the Avalon:
Friend of the NightI Know You Are But What Am I?TracyGlasgow Mega Snake