Friday, December 30, 2005

Here's to a wonderful New Year...

The blur of being back home hasn't really subsided yet, and I've managed to keep my mind off the reality of trying to ease my way back into a lifestyle that has been completely foreign for a decent chunk of time, which is both good and bad. Coming home when I did was slightly overwhelming, especially for someone who is slightly overwhelmed every year come Holidays. I've had a week or so to relax and try to sleep more like a normal human being and less like a vampire. As stated before in my last post, I intended to whip together a "transition" piece, but now that I'm actually here and have been rather bluntly hit in the face by reality (in multiple ways) I've realized that there isn't much time for transition. I gotsta get paid!!!!! Seriously.

I start working with SEEM next week, and am looking forward to seeing the kids again. It's just temp, but is always fun.

Anyone in the Boston area, who checked my blog out and was the least bit interested: My friend Jess has a gallery opening at Northeastern next week. She was in Asia for 10 months and took some prodigious photos. Many are of India. All are gorgeous. Check out her blog if interested.

2005? Great year! I unequivocally hope that everyone has a happy and safe 06.

Stay Free,


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