Monday, April 24, 2006

life it ain't that funky, unless it's got that pop

Belle and Sebastian were the first pop band I truly loved, and this song was the first track off the album of the same name that got me hooked in high school. I still think B&S are the finest pop-storytellers around. The Life Pursuit is decent, but I haven't given it the chance it probably deserves.
Belle and Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister

Death Vessel is a delightful collective from NYC who apparently tore it up at SXSW according to something I read. I have Stay Close, and I'd have to say that I've been pleasantly surprised by it. Cleverly molded, tightly-knit songs...but I just like the name of this one, because it epitomizes "wishful thinking".

Death Vessel - Tidy Nervous Breakdown

Whether you like Kraut-Rock or not, you're lying to yourself if you disagree with it being the coolest named genre of music in history. Faust rules.
Faust - It's a Bit of a Pain

good night and good luck


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